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Standings Events Players Moon Dog

Victorian State Pinball Championship 2024 (VFPA)

Results for 2024-08-01: Stern Army Bayside Pinball Club Monthly Meet

1.0Simon Peel50.00
2.0Simon Pitt42.73
3.0Brian Boxy Schleibs39.58
4.0Matthew Owen36.56
5.0Nigel Grypstra33.65
6.0Edward Campion30.88
7.0David Johnston NZ28.22
8.0Daniel Luth25.69
9.0Simon Voigt23.28
10.0Lucas Bardin21.00
12.0Adrian Wilson16.80
12.0Brett Black16.80
12.0Brett Dellavedova16.80
15.0Dion Miksad11.43
15.0Ritsert Harsveld11.43
15.0Simon Raik-Allen11.43
17.0Michael Logan8.47
18.0Michael McMinn7.17
19.0Jessica De Mercurio6.00
20.0Stacey Borg4.95
21.0Craig Gerner4.02
22.0Jacob Burnett3.22
23.0Grant Budge2.54
24.0Daniel Vandenberg1.99
25.0Sam Tan1.56
26.0Brendan Griffiths AUS1.25
27.0Cohen Tan1.06

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