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Standings Events Players Moon Dog

Victorian State Pinball Championship 2022 (VFPA)

Results for 2022-01-30: The Thunderturds invitational

1.0Richard Rhodes50.00
2.0Stacey Borg43.31
3.0Stuart Thornton40.71
4.0Nigel Grypstra38.19
5.0Michael McMinn35.75
6.5Jessica De Mercurio32.25
6.5Ryan Cee32.25
8.5Jarrod Mendoza27.87
8.5Lachlan Dowd27.87
11.0Amin Moralic22.86
11.0Andre Thomson22.86
11.0Raphael Melkonian22.86
13.5Brian Boxy Schleibs18.37
13.5Brodie Dixon18.37
16.0Ashleigh Dixon14.39
16.0Curtis Sahariv14.39
16.0Michael Costalos14.39
18.5Daniel McGorum10.93
18.5Dion Miksad10.93
22.0Andy Coffey6.95
22.0David Leeds6.95
22.0John Ebejer6.95
22.0Luke Marburg6.95
22.0Stuart McLean6.95
25.5Brett Mann3.99
25.5Hayley Drummond3.99
27.5Adrian Wilson2.75
27.5Daniel Pongrac2.75
29.5Mark Hoy1.84
29.5Mick Miksad1.84
31.0Ariana Coffey1.37
32.0Dijana Doncevski1.17
33.0Jason Williams AUS1.04

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